Friday, December 28, 2012

New Year’s Revolution 4 Tips
Hi guys, I know it’s been a while since I last up dated you on some valuable tips but better late than never. Okay with all the crazy Christmas activities going on I must admit that I have gotten caught up with them too. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and now looking forwards to a great new year. Well I am back, everybody likes making New Year resolutions and never gone through with it.
Here are some New Year revolutions you should consider doing for the coming New Year, *Live healthier life * Try saving more and * Work on improving one's life. In fact New Year's resolutions always tend to fizzle out faster than an old bottle of champagne. But fortunately there is always something that will help to keep you on track with your 2013 resolutions. Below are a few that will provide guidance and encourage you to persevere.

Resolution one: Losing weight
I know the battle against fat is not going to be easy; but it can be done, by controlling how many calories you consume daily is the key. And tracking how much you've eaten can be very difficult sometimes so make sure that you only eat healthy foods that will help keep you lean. Remember, keeping your metabolism on a high gear will keep your blood sugar level balance so that your body stays in fat burning mode.

Resolution: Exercising more                  
Well we all know that exercise goes with losing weight. You don’t need a personal trainer to help you guide your exercise routine needs. Put a reminder sticker (exercise today keep the doctor away) on places you visit often like on your fridge, kitchen cabinet and your bathroom door. Haring a personal trainer can be very expensive so you can always buy or download exercise program from your computer it works just as well or even better.
Resolution: Quit smoking                    
If you're trying to quit smoking, you need all the assistance you can find to break the hold of nicotine. This New Year revolution is very difficult but it can be done there is so many things you can do to help you quit smoking. You can buy the nicotine gum, join a support program and try to focus on your goal. Livestrong's $4 MyQuit Coach for iOS helps you develop a plan for quitting, and tracks your progress. FewLaps' $3 QuitNow! Pro for Android is similar, but also includes chat features to bolster your support network. It's worth spending a few dollars to get the extra boost an app can provide.
Resolution: Save money                    
Remember, that you have over spent during the Christmas season and it’s now time to save a little. Keep track of your bank account online and try not to go over your budget limit. Use cash only when you go shopping. Buy gas with your debit card and carry a list when you go to get groceries.
Remember guys if you want to keep on track with you New Year’s revolution you must try to follow through with you plans for it to work.

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